I'm not sure if this whole outfit blogging is for me. I'm a lot better about having my photo taken these days but I don't like to have to look at pictures of myself. I have just spent 30 minutes trying to get a decent pic (admittedly a good amount of that was spent wrestling with the new tripod!) and when I eventually got one that looked ok I decided I hate how my dress looks on me, it is just too short like most things on my out-of-proportion legs. So I think I'm much better off imagining my clothes look fine rather than having the reality hit me in the face. Don't get me wrong, I don't spend all day screwing myself up over how I look, I'd just rather not think about it and get on with life. I will still be blogging my clothes however, I'll just enlist the help of Muriel the model.
You may or may not be familiar with the online clearance food retailer Approved Food. You may or may not have ordered from them. I do, on a very regular basis, my garage is full of their boxes. You never know what they will have in stock so when they have something you like, or think you might like you have to order loads.
Anyway...I was so impressed with the order that arrived today I had to blog it.
My haul included -
3 buckets of popcorn
12 strawberry Yazoo milkshakes
5 packets of Jammie Dodgers
20 packets chilli and lemon crisps (not in the pic, a full box cost 1p!)
4 huge bags paprika crisps
18 Wagon Wheels
3 big bags liquorice
5 Ainsley Harriott Keema Masala dinner kits
12 vegetarian Burgamix (each pack makes 2lbs of burgers)
12 Granose nut roasts
2 x 1 litre bottles of mayonnaise
12 packs Ainsley Harriott savoury basmati rice
This lot cost just under £17 and that's including the £5.25 delivery cost!